All known CSLAP .pdf reports are now available at this site. In 2019, DEC began issuing the CSLAP reports in an electronic format which are difficult to convert to .pdf and lose content when doing so.
The electronic CSLAP reports for 2019-2023 can currently be found on the .
Report Searches
For a specific lake, enter the lake name in the lake field. Use the drop down lists to get all the reports issued in a selected year, or all the reports issued in a selected county. This is useful if you want to see how your lake compares to neighboring lakes in the same county.
The Report type drop down allows selection of the following report types:
- CSLAP – This is the main CSLAP report for a given lake or site
- Q&A – some years, lakes had a short Q&A report in addition to the CSLAP report
- Scorecard – in some years, lakes had a scorecard report in addition to the CSLAP report
- Regional – reports of all the lakes in regions allowed more detailed analysis and comparisons
- Statewide – an analysis of all the CSLAP lakes in the state. Until 1995, lake reports were statewide report appendices
- 5 year – 5 year summary reports from 1990 covering the prior 5 years of data
- Whole lake – Multi-site lakes may have a CSLAP report by site. A whole lake report analyzes all the sites. Usually Finger Lakes.
- Entering “Lake Pleasant†in the lake name will return results for Lake Pleasant.
- Entering “Pleasant†will return results for those similarly named lakes in Fulton, Oswego, and Hamilton Counties.
- Entering “We Wah†will return reports for both Little We Wah Lake and We Wah Lakes.
- Entering “York†and a dropdown for “2017†will return the 2017 report for Upper Little York Lake.
- Entering “Forest†will return reports for Forest Lake in Rensselaer County and Forest Lake in Warren County.
- Entering “Forest†and a dropdown for Warren County will return only Forest Lake in Warren County.
- Selecting “statewide†in the dropdown report type will return all statewide reports